Porsche 911 2008 Turbo Cabriolet for Sale- 6 Speed with Macadamia Metallic exterior

Not only is the Porsche 911 2008 Turbo Cabriolet a great car for the driving experience, but it may be sporting the sweetest brown, or Macadamia Metallic, exterior you have ever laid your eyes on. The rich smooth macadamia metallic exterior paired with the brown leather interior provide for a eye capturing display of color and design. The 4.8 seconds recorded time from 0 to 60 mph may also get your attention, but the ride is most brought to life when driven along a tight canyon road. The steering gives off a very organic feel, which is the real draw to the turbo model Porsches. The steering comes alive in your hands and twitches with a delicate accuracy even as you push harder which in the end results in more fun. This Porsche can be driven in school-zone speeds at third gear or you could unleash your wild nature by racing it through the mountainside.

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2008 Turbo 911 Carrera 2008 Turbo 911 Carrera 2008 Turbo 911 Carrera 2008 Turbo 911 Carrera